The update below is from
Quarterly Report on the Unhoused regarding what may transpire when residents of the Horizon Shine RV Village will be evicted early next year.
Does Sebastopol plan to rely solely on SAVS to preside over an orderly transition?
Because "Vice Mayor Rich and Director Svanstrom" have been involved in the creation of a transition plan it would seem that reports from them should be provided during council meetings so that nearby residents will know what to expect.
Horizon Shine
The Horizon Shine RV Village opened in February of 2022 and has remained operational since then. The property
is owned by St. Vincent de Paul Sonoma County, leased to Sonoma Applied Village Services (SAVS). Horizon Shine
provides a 24-7 safe parking side for RVs and other lived-in vehicle, with supportive services provided on-site.
SAVS’ report is a separate item from this report, as they are required by their Temporary Use Permit for the
operation of the safe parking site to provide quarterly reports to both the City Council and Planning Commission.
As St Vincent de Paul has submitted a grant application to the State (pending results), SAVS has begun working on
transition planning for its residents. Vice Mayor Rich and Director Svanstrom have been meeting with SAVS Board
members and Executive Director Brumley to discuss the upcoming transition, and SAVS will bee including this as a
section in its quarter reports.